Disember 19, 2024

Product Introduction
Property experts from the Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have developed a Computer Aided Mass Appraisal (CAMA) System, a property valuation software integrated with Geographical Information System (GIS).
Integrating CAMA GIS enables the system’s tax assessment function to run concurrently with spatial data that is relevant to the tax valuation model. It also supports the creation and maintenance of a more accurate land records base map using the tools and functions of GIS and provides a single repository  parcel geometry and descriptive data supporting workflow, updates, and mass appraisal input.
GIS adds value to the CAMA system as it enables a more accurate appraisal model, for example, frontage on a golf course or lake, to be factored into the valuation. If the parcel data and land-use data are maintained in a geo-database, the frontage calculation is simple and easy using the spatial intelligence of the GIS.
Property Valuation Challenge
It is a statuary requirement for local authorities to conduct appraisal of properties for taxation purposes once every five years. However in practice, the revaluation cycle for property taxation tends to be between 10 and 20 years.
These valuations are usually conducted manually and the average cost of the appraisal exercise to local authorities is RM 45 per property (guidelines by Board of Valuers Malaysia).
The current practice of property valuation process applied in Malaysia by local authorities are either done manually or using a system that can value one property at a time.
What can the UTM product offer?
The CAMA GIS valuation software developed by UTM is capable of evaluating 83 properties per minute (mass concept of evaluation).
Besides evaluating property efficiently in a short time, CAMA GIS can also assist in valuing assets and property heavily affected by natural disasters for insurance claim purposes.

Impact on Community
The system is now adopted by several local authorities in the state of Johor, among which include the City Council of Johor Bahru (MBJB), Johor Bahru Tengah Municipal Council (MPJBT), Tangkak District Council, Kluang District Council,  and Segamat District Council. The system is also used by local authorities form other states, namely, Kuantan City Council, Maran District Council,  Ipoh City Council,  Kuala Krai District Council, Tanah Merah District Council and Tumpat District Council.
Plans to use the CAMA GIS system by the Putrajaya Corporation is also in the pipelines.



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