Johor Bahru, 2 August: UTM website ranks the second highest among Malaysian University listed by the Webometrics Ranking of World universities, this time with a few changes to the previous calculation methodology.
– Regarding PRESENCE. Total number of web pages, according to Google, excluding pdf files. Weight: 10%
– Regarding VISIBILITY. Instead of using the larger value of the two inlinks providers (ahrefs & Majestic), we use now the average. As previously the 10 top linking domains and their corresponding backlinks are excluded. Weight: 50%
– Regarding OPENNESS. Google Scholar is no longer used for this indicator. Now, the value refers to the total number of pdf files according to Google. Weight: 10%- Regarding EXCELLENCE. The Scimago data (top 10% most cited papers by discipline) for the five year period 2009-2013 (new period). New Weight: 30%
(source: Webometrics)
The UTM’s position in the world ranking has also improved from previous Jan ranking at number 552 to 517. UTM is currently at the second place at the national level after UM, followed by USM, UPM and UKM.