Sport meets science: Advancing athletics through tech

Newspaper/Dates : The Star, 15 May 2023

Synopsis : The role of tech to aid deaf sportsmen on track and field was something that came to Dr Jaysuman Pusppanathan’s attention a few years ago.

Jaysuman, the deputy director of the Sports Innovation and Technology Centre (SiTC) at the Institute of Human Centered Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Johor, was made aware of how deaf athletes would often stumble at the starting line because they could not hear the starter gun.

“Back in 2017, we were introduced to the Malaysia Deaf Sports Association (MSDEAF) and the organisation wanted to know if we could help it find some solutions to problems that their athletes were facing,” he said, adding that these deaf athletes had to rely on systems that were not working for them for 20 years since MSDEAF was established in 1993.

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