Februari 11, 2025

Re-analyze Malaysia infrastructure in facing natural disasters says expert

Newspaper/dates : The Malaysian Reserve/30 May 2023

Synopsis : THE5.6 Richter scale earthquake that hit Sabah in 2015 remains as one of the most cataclysmic tragedies in Malaysia as not only lives were lost, but also buildings and infrastructures. 

To better prepare against future tragedies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) seismology and earthquake engineering research group chief researcher Professor Dr Azlan Adnan suggested some guidelines that should be taken by the government and its agencies. 

“Seismic design guidelines of MS EN 1998 Part 1 (2017) should be regulated through Uniform Building By-Law by the federal and local authorities. 

“On the other hand, local authorities should also produce seismic risk maps of their own areas so that disaster preparedness and prevention strategies can be implemented,” he told The Malaysian Reserve (TMR). 

Link : https://themalaysianreserve.com/2023/05/30/re-analyse-malaysias-infrastructure-in-facing-natural-disasters-says-expert/

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