Februari 7, 2025

UTM has made a significant progress in the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities, Jan 2021 edition, by being ranked at #470, to more than 30,100 higher education institutes from more than 200 countries.

Compared to the last Webometrics Ranking exercise in July 2020, UTM improved and leapt 61 places from 531st to 470th position in the World Ranking. UTM was ranked 2nd among Malaysian universities after Universiti Malaya (UM), followed by Universiti Putra Malaysia (3rd) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (4th).

Webometrics is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions offering every six months an independent, objective, free, open scientific exercise for providing reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world.

The ranking is published by the Cybermetrics Lab, with its aim to improve the presence of the academic and research institutions on the Web and to promote the open access publication of scientific results. The ranking started in 2004 and is updated every January and July.

The original aim of the Ranking is to promote academic web presence, supporting the Open Access initiatives for increasing significantly the transfer of scientific and cultural knowledge generated by the universities to the whole Society. In order to achieve this objective, the publication of rankings is one of the most powerful and successful tools for starting and consolidating the processes of change in the academia, increasing the scholars’ commitment and setting up badly needed long term strategies

        The objective is not to evaluate websites, their design or usability or the popularity of their contents according to the number of visits or visitors. Web indicators are considered as proxies in the correct, comprehensive, deep evaluation of the university global performance, taking into account its activities and outputs and their relevance and impact. (source : http://webometrics.info/en/Methodology)

The UTM Management Team would like to thank all staff and students for their concerted effort, commitment and dedication, resulting in this significant outcome. Well done!

Image source : http://webometrics.info/en/Asia/Malaysia

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