Scientific Talks and Demonstration by Staff and Student of Faculty of Science at the Petrosains Meet The Expert Program

In conjunction with the Petrosains Science Festival PlaySmart Johor Bahru 2019, which was held from 19th to 20th of October 2019, 3 academic staff and 1 PhD student from the Faculty of Science, UTM, gave talks during the ‘Meet the Expert Program’. The ‘Meet the Expert Program’ was a collaborative effort between Petrosains and Young Scientists Network – Academy Sciences of Malaysia, with the purpose of celebrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics).

Dr. Sheela Chandren and Dr. Nursyafreena Attan gave a talk and demonstration on CHEMystery in Our Daily Life – Acid and Base


Dr. Sheela Chandren and Dr. Nursyafreena Attan from the Department of Chemistry gave a scientific talk and demonstration entitled CHEMystery in Our Daily Life – Acid and Base, where they educated the audience on the true definition of acid and base. They then went on to hold a chemistry demonstration, showing how things from our everyday life can be used as a pH indicator to test the pH of our food, cleaning products and so on. Few children from the audience were even invited stage to carry out the experiments.

Dr Nor Ain Husein, from the Department of Physics, shared about world exploration through technologies in optics via her session ‘Beauty and the Light’. From the magnificent creations in the space, deep ocean water and human body to the technologies of laser and optical fiber, she allowed the audience to understand the characteristics of light. Finally, she wrapped up the session with a DIY hologram using plastic water bottle and video played through a smartphone.


Dr. Ain with the audience that were enticed by her talk on ‘Beauty and the Light’


In collaboration with the British Council, Malaysia, Aida Rasyidah Azman, a PhD. Candidate from the Department of Chemistry, gave a talk entitled ‘Science communication in Study: How does it help?’. During the talk, Aida emphasized on how being a good communicator can help students to better showcase science in order to help the public understand science as part of their real lives.

Aida Rasyidah explaining the importance of Science Communication to the audience


It is hoped that through these talks and science demonstration, scientific engagement with the public to foster curiosity, appreciation or understanding of scientific concepts, processes and applications  can be fostered.


Children from the audience came up on stage to try the simple Chemistry experiments that can even be attempted at home


Prepared by: Dr. Sheela Chandren

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