Disember 19, 2024

Faculty of Science Welcomes Visitors from International Partner and Peer University.

On September 21, 2019, the Faculty of Science welcomed Dr. Muaawia Ahmed Hamza who is the Director of Biomedical Research Administration, Faculty of Medicine, King Fahd Medical City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The purpose of his visit was to discuss on a research progress with two researchers from the Department of Biosciences. Dr. Muaawia who is the Principal Investigator for a grant from the Intramural Research Fund, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been collaborating with Dr. Syazwani Itri Amran and Dr. Nurriza Ab. Latif. In addition, he also gave a lecture to Year 2 students in the Department of Biosciences entitled “Directed Mutagenesis Techniques and Applications”. Most students were satisfied with the opportunity and exposure given to interacting with a researcher from abroad. Dr. Muaawia also spent his time with the Dean of the Faculty of Science and the academicians from the Department of Biosciences to discuss the future direction and potential of collaboration.






In the same week, the Faculty of Science also received a visit from the delegation of the Padang State University, Indonesia. The delegation consisted of 111 students and 15 academicians. This half-day visit aimed to gain exposure on courses offered at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science. During the visit, visitors were given an introduction to the Department of Chemistry and Faculty of Science, UTM by PM Dr. See Hong Heng. Dr. Siti Aminah Setu as the Chemistry Department’s graduate study coordinator had provided information on graduate courses offered by the Chemistry Department as well as exploratory areas of research. Next, Dr. Ezza Syuhada Sazali, Assistant Dean (External and Global Engagement) gave exposure to the possibility of doing the research and academic collaboration such as Research Attachment and Student Exchange. The tour concluded  with a photo session and light refreshments.





Reported by: Dr. Nurriza (Dept. of  Biosciences)







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