Article prepared by Dr. Fara Diva Mustapa
15th October 2019, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) and Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) Johor branch, brought together over three hundred students from surveying background from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein On (UTHM) to Dewan Konvensyen B12, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) for RISM Career Talk 2019, a program jointly organised by RISM Johor and Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying conducted on annual basis for 1st year surveying students at tertiary institutions. The program aimed at giving career advice and talks to students on their career prospects and opportunities as well as introducing the role and functions of RISM generally and what RISM Johor branch specifically. The event also served to promote 1st year students to join RISM organisation as students’ member as well as informing the students’ of available assistance such as journal access, scholarship and discounts to join programmes organised by RISM. The program is also a part of the faculty’s synergetic collaboration with surveying industry where it also serves as a medium to empower faculty’s staff members and students to not only organize the event but also expand their networking with industry partners.
The program was graced by Yang Berbahagia Dean of Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Prof Ts. Dr. Mohd. Hamdan b. Hj. Ahmad. In his opening remarks, the Dean thanked the lecturers and students for honoring RISM Career Talk 2019 invitation to come for the career talk. The Dean further emphasised that the faculty, FABU, albeit of its small numbers compared to other faculties and schools, receives one of the accreditations from respective professional boards and institutions. The event was attended by RISM Johor committee members, invited industry speakers, lecturers from both UTM and UTHM and 1st year surveying students from three divisions namely the quantity surveying division (QS), geomatics and land surveying division (GLS) and property surveying division (PS). This year, University of Reading Malaysia (UoRM) could not participate due to other commitments.

The half day career talks entailed presentations from RISM Johor chairman, Sr Dr. Kamalahasan a/l Achu on RISM background and functions and plenary session with the invited industry speakers from 3 surveying divisions namely Sr Ezam Ariffin of Ezam & Associates (GLS), Sr Lau Boon Cheong of Jurukur CEM Sdn. Bhd and Sr Asrul Affandi Esam of J.B Bergabung (QS) and Sr Eugene Then of Duxton Property (PS) on career path and to bridge the gap and boost their understanding by linking theory with practice.
RISM Career Talk program has sensitized over 600 university students since it first organised centrally in 2018 and has attracted 364 students to register as students’ member as of 31st December 2018 for Johor Branch. The program was led by Sr Dr. Fara Diva Mustapa, a senior lecturer at Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying and also the current Hons Secretary for RISM Johor Branch, session 2019/2020.