Januari 31, 2025

Faculty of Science Forging New Research Collaborations And Mobility Programs With Universitas Negeri Malang and Universitas Brawijaya

Assoc. Prof. Roswanira Abdul Wahab from the Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science was recently in Malang between 7-12 July for two research and academic related activities with the hope of forging new research collaborations and possibilities of academic staff and student mobility programs. On July 8th, she was invited by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Universitas Negeri Malang to give a scientific talk to the undergraduate and postgraduate students. The talk was titled “The Biotechnological Research Landscape in the 21st Century: Emerging trends in transdisciplinary research”. The delivered topic was also catered for the newly launched M.Sc in Biotechnology program, according to the Dean of FMIPA. The Dean of FMIPA of Universitas Negeri Malang conveyed the intention of FMIPA in collaborating with the Faculty of Science, UTM for research, postgraduate studies in UTM and mobility programs for academic staff and students.  Later in the afternoon, she was invited to give a lecture to postgraduate students on the topic “Attempting to Publish in High Impact Journals”.

With the Head of Dept. of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Malang

With Prof Dr Hadi Suwono (second from left) and lecturers from FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang

Assoc. Prof. Roswanira Abdul Wahab with Dr Masruri Broeri, the Head of Dept. of Chemistry, on her left, and academic staff and students of FMIPA of Universitas Brawijaya.

On 10th of July, Assoc. Prof. Roswanira Abdul Wahab was invited by the Head of Bioscience Institute in Universiti Brawijaya, to visit their facility equipped for specialization in development of nutritional foods, as well as some studies on cancer. Her visit to Universitas Brawijaya was further extended to the Dept. of Chemistry following an invite from the Head of Department, Dr Masruri Broeri. The purpose of the visit was to fulfill a request by the Head of the Dept. of Chemistry of Universitas Brawijaya who was seeking research collaboration opportunities, as well as mobility programs for academic staff, postgraduate studies and undergraduate/postgraduate student mobility of Universitas Brawijaya to UTM.

Reported by: Prof. Madya Dr. Roswanira Ab. Wahab


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