Februari 5, 2025

CHENNAI, INDIA, 2 March 2019 – The 4th Venus International Women Awards (VIWA) 2019 has been awarded to a UTM professor from the Department of Information System, School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Prof. Dr. Naomie Salim. The award was presented to her at the 4th Annual Women’s Meet (AWM 2019) which was held at Hotel Radha Regent, Chennai, India. The Distinguished Woman in Science Award was put under the category of Science under the sub-division of Computer Science.
Besides Prof. Naomie, the Computer Science 2019 award recipients were academicians from other universities including Dr. Singaraju Jyothi from Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, India, Dr. Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Dr. Basima Ahmed Haroun Elshqeirat from University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
The VIWA award was instituted in the year 2016 by the Centre for Advanced Research and Design (CARD) of the Venus International Foundation (VIF) and is presented yearly during the Annual Women’s Meet (AWM) that is conducted in March.  The VIWA scheme has a Criteria, Standards, Regulations, Application Form, Expert Committee and Judging Process that are governed by the Board of Trust. The nominees are selected based on the Expert Committee report and Apex Committee recommendations.
The award received by our UTM staff  has once again proven that UTM’s knowldge and expertise has gained an international recognition. Congratulations on your achievement, Prof. Naomie.

Prof. Naomie Salim, the award winning recipient of the Distinguished Woman in Science Award during the 4th Annual Women’s Meet (AWM) 2019 held in Chennai, India.

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