Januari 18, 2025

UTM researchers invent mobile app for halal certification

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has developed a halal auditor mobile application, the first in the world that can help Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) certify halal auditors through the Malaysian halal certification auditing process.

The QuikHalal app can enhance the auditors’ productivity by facilitating and expediting the halal audit management through an efficient audit planning, systematic data collecting, automatic report generating and effective information sharing. Auditors can plan their halal audit according to different halal certification schemes (Food and beverages, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, Food premises and restaurants, Slaughtering houses, Consumer goods and Logistics).

The Head of Research, Dr. Mohd Iskandar Illyas Tan said that QuikHalal is a product of research collaboration by the Halal Informatics Research Laboratory (HOLISTICS Research Lab) led by the UTM Centre for Fiqh Research, Science and Technology (C-First), headed by Prof. Dr. Mohd Yusof, Prof. Farahwahida and Prof. Dr. Arieff Salleh Rosman.

The project also involved researchers from University of Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), and the Institute of Industrial Technology (BITEC) Johor Bahru which is represented by Dr. Zuhra Junaida Mohamad Husny.

The studies being carried out by HOLISTICS Lab and C-First since 2009 have received a total financial aid of RM500,000.00 from the UTM research university fund.

HOLISTICS Research Lab was established and recognised as one of UTM Labs and downstream companies. The QuikHalal application was filed in 2016.

“As of today, QuikHalal has successfully marketed a program namely the Professional Diploma in Executive and Halal Auditing, where 21 candidates for the program have been fully funded by the Northern Corridor Initiative Agency (CIA).

“The objective of the program is to produce halal certified auditors who have the knowledge and ability to use technology to help other companies get the halal certificate easily, quickly and systematically,” he said.

Dr. Mohd. Iskandar said HOLISTICS has received numerous offers from various parties who want to use QuikHalal applications in their operations.

“PlaTCOM Ventures has agreed to sign a contract for the subscription of this application for 12 months to help them carry out their halal certification program.

“QuikHalal has also received business applications and collaboration of Wrigleys Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., a multinational class company in the production of various food products, “he said.

HOLISTICS Research Lab also established links with Fukuoka, Japan in February to help companies there get their halal certification by using QuikHalal Halal.

“This is the result of a visit by Kumamoto University to UTM in January 2017, which was an opportunity for us to work with them,” he said.

After discussions with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) of UTM, Prof. Dr. Azlan Abdul Rahman, the HOLISTICS Lab, C-First and also the UTM Office of Asset and Development, reached an agreement to implement projects using the QuikHalal driver to monitor the cleanliness and quality of food premises inthe UTM Johor Bahru campus in the near future.

More info at Quikhalal.com

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