JOHOR BAHRU, 9 November 2016 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) with the collabration from Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) has hosted for the first time in this country the 16th Asia Pacific Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (APCE 2016).
The prestigious event was held at KSL Hotel & Resort, Johor Bahru. This event was also held in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of IKM Southern Branch.
The Chairman of APCE 2016, Prof. Dr. Mohd Marsin Sanagi said that APCE 2016 has been committed to continue its tradition as a platform to share forefront scientific and technological advances in microscale separation and analysis.
“Advancements in areas such as microscale sample preparations, electrophoresis, chromatography, mass spectrometry, microfluidics and many others were highlighted with wide-ranging applications including biomedical, pharmaceuticals, proteomics, food safety and environment.
“Lectures were given by internationally-renowed experts who are willing to share their knowledge with us,” said Prof. Marsin.
The experts were Prof. Imran Ali from Central University, India, Prof. Bezhan Chankvetadze from Tbilisi State University, Georgia and Prof. Peter C. Hauser from University of Basel, Switzerland.
“In addition, the symposium featured nine keynote lectures and more than fifteen invited lectures by distinguished speakers besides many contributing lecturers and poster presentations and a total of about 200 participants,” said Prof. Marsin.
As Chairman of APCE 2016, Prof. Marsin was given the honour to complete the closing ceremony.