Disember 19, 2024

UTM APEN-JAIF Multiversity i-HRD Conference

UTM APEN-JAIF MULTIVERSITY i-HRD CONFERENCE was successfully organized by UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology on 25-26 July 2016.
8 ASEAN memberstate representatives including AIIT, Japan, presented the findings and progress updates of APEN-JAIF Multiversity Project.

We are honoured to host the conference and grateful to the sponsor, APEN-JAIF and secretariat at AIIT. Additionally to UTM KL for providing good facilities and great supporting staff from CICT, PHB, HEK.

It was an excellent opportunity also to deliberate on industry perspectives, commitment and expectations on Engineering and technology Education. Our keynote speakers and forum panel members and invited guests are prominent key individuals from MQA, MOHE, MOE, MTUN, MARA, UTP, UniKL, AIIT and others – Director General, President, Chairman, Directors, TNCs, Deans.


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