JOHOR BAHRU, 18 September 2016 – The Institute of Bioproduct Development Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (IBDUTM) was selected to organize courses for the Plant Operators for Eastman Chemical Sdn. Bhd, a chemical company based in Kuantan, Pahang.
IBDUTM also received assistance from the Faculty of Energy Engineering (FKT) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM) in handling the course. The participants of the course comprised 17 staff and 4 Supervisors, the workforce that will operate the new plant of the company in November 2016.
Course Coordinator, Dr. Mohd. Kamarudin Abd. Hamid said the selection of IBD as a training provider of training was based on its track record that once gave similar courses to multinational organizations many years ago.
“Selection of IBD as a training provider by Eastman Chemical Sdn. Bhd. is based on the track record of previous IBD and FKT which had been involved in training a group of Flexys Chemicals Malaysia, Petronas, Shell and many others since 2002 until now.
“This industrial human capital development programme will last for 2 months starting on 18 July 2016 to 2 September 2016. Participants will be exposed to theoretical and practical knowledge by an experienced instructor from IBD, FKT and FKM,” he said.
The uniqueness of this program was the facilities that were available in UTM for practical training so that participants could achieve the necessary competence to carry out their duties efficiently when the plant becomes fully operational.
“The selection of UTM in the training of human capital for industrial use is in conjunction with the university’s efforts to ensure that the recommended programme is in line with the wishes and needs of the industry.
“At the same time, instructors and lecturers involved will always got the chance to update their knowledge with the latest industrial knowledge and demand which is also valuable to be shared with their students,” he said.