Februari 11, 2025

(*this project can be voted by organization outside UTM only)

We’re delighted to say that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) project has been nominated for World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2015. This is a great opportunity for UTM project and a chance to raise UTM recognition even more widely.
Awards are decided solely on the basis of a public vote, which closes on 1st May 2015. Hence, we would like everyone to support us and please take a moment to vote for us.
Steps to vote for our Graduate Studies Management System (GSMS) project:
1. Access URL: http://groups.itu.int/stocktaking/WSISProjectPrizes.aspx
2. Click “Vote” and press the “Vote” button.
3. Register yourself before login (if it’s your first time to login), to login use your username/email and password.
4. Fill up your User Profile : Organization Name, Organization Type and Organization Country
5. To vote for us:
Category 1: The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development.
Title: Technology towards globalization of graduate education: Graduate Studies Management System (GSMS).
6. You have successfully voted for us.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.

For any enquiry, please email SPS IT Manager at shahizan@utm.my
On behalf of,
School of Graduate Studies (SPS), UTM

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