JOHOR BAHRU, 29 October 2014 – The Organization of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) together with the Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have organised the 3rd Natural Products Chemistry Training and Development Program for Asian State members.
The program was held from 12th to 28th October 2014 on the UTM Johor Bahru Campus. This intensive program focused on the development of bioproducts with commercial values that would eventually assist with the economic development of the participants’ home country.
17 participants hailing from Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, Maldives, Indonesia and Jordan participated in the program. The participants hold prominent posts in their home country and are mostly expert researchers in the field of biochemistry and natural products chemistry development.
They were here to work together with experts in UTM IBD in an interactive knowledge sharing program focusing on fundamental research and hands on projects towards the developments of bioproducts.
The appreciation night and certificate presentation ceremony was held at Pulai Spring Resort on 28 October 2014 and was attended by the Vice-Chancellor of UTM, Y.Bhg. Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar, Mr Kumaresh Kumar, Head of International Cooperation Branch, OPCW and Dato Tan Seng Sung, The Chairman of National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention, Ministry of Foreign Affair.
UTM IBD’s Director, Prof Ramlan was pleased with the outcome of the program. He was confident that the success of the program will assure OPCW that UTM IBD was the best place to train 158 member countries in using natural product chemistry as a way to develop a vibrant industry that can create economic opportunities and promote wellness using natural herbs.
UTM IBD’s 15 years of experience in developing Malaysian herbal industry was shared with the participants, so that similar policies and effort can be adopted and tailored to each participant’s country landscape.