Februari 22, 2025

Between 17 August and 25 August, 2014, YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar, the Vice-Chancellor of UTM will convene a working visit to the United States. The UTM delegation will include Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahya, Senior Director of UTM International, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Dean of the International Business School, and Prof. Dr. Rahmat Mohsin, Dean of the Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering.

The visit has been organized to strengthen the strategic partnership between UTM and its U.S. partners, namely Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University. In addition, the delegation will also pay a courtesy visit to Pennsylvania State University to explore potential opportunities for collaboration in various areas, particularly in the field of petroleum, for the benefit of UTM and Malaysia.


Lawatan Naib Canselor ke Amerika Syarikat

Bermula 17 hingga 25 Ogos 2014, YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor akan mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Amerika Syarikat. Lawatan ini akan turut disertai oleh Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahya, Pengarah Kanan UTM International, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Dekan Sekolah Perniagaan Antarabangsa dan Prof. Madya Dr. Rahmat Mohsin, Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Petroleum dan Kejuruteraan Tenaga Diperbaharui.

Menurut YBhg. Datuk, lawatan ini diatur bagi mengukuhkan hubungan kerjasama strategik di antara UTM dengan Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) dan Harvard University. Selain itu, delegasi Naib Canselor akan turut mengadakan kunjungan ke Pennsylvania State University bagi meneroka peluang kerjasama yang berpotensi dalam pelbagai bidang, terutama bidang petroleum, untuk manfaat UTM dan Malaysia.




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