JOHOR BAHRU, June 26 – The Graduate Studies Management System (GSMS) software developed by the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (SPSUTM) was declared the winner of the Vice-Chancellor’s Innovation Award 2014.
The announcement was made at the UTM Excellence Citra Karisma Award 2014 held at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM Johor Bahru campus.
Dean of SPSUTM, Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir said that the software was developed as part of SPSUTM’s efforts to improve the operational efficiency of postgraduate management.
“The modules installed include recruitment and conversion of supervisors, examination marks, application for academic awards, Best Graduate Student Award, academic workshop, 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT), Zamalah Scholarships interview score and Graduate Fellowships Supervision grant,” said Prof. Zaidatun.
The system was also selected as one of the finalists for the UTM Information Technology Award in 2012.
UTM graduate student enrollment has been greatly influenced by the GSMS system as it saves time and energy and enhances staff productivity in the management of postgraduate students.
The award was presented by UTM Pro-Chancellor, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Yahya Awang. SPSUTM won a cash prize of RM12,000.00 together with a victory trophy.