Januari 13, 2025

Professor Ramlan Aziz has been appointed as a member of National Herbs Development Board for 2 years starting February 1, 2012. The board is formed with the main objective of determining the strategic policy and direction in turning Malaysia as a major global producer of herbs and herbal products. Malaysia is rich with biodiversity in which  its forest has between 1,200 and 2,000 medicinal plants waiting to be exploited for the wellness industry, that has a global market of USD1.9 trillion (SRI International report,2010). The board is also given the responsibility in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the development of the herbal industry in the country. This appointment is also an acknowledgement by the government to IBD for being in the forefront in developing process technologies and herbal product formulations, and its continuous effort in developing bioentrepreneurs. Prof. Ramlan is also currently the Chairman, Processing Cluster of Herbal Development Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Agrobased Industries.

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