On 5 – 15 February 2015, Jason, a UTM student pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Aeronautics) Degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering participated in one of the world’s largest International Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFiT) in Norway.

Jason Ang Wei Lung was one of the 450 participants selected from 10,000 applications across 140 nationalities. The selection of a UTM student among 10,000 applications indicates that UTM students have global competency, able to strategically position themselves at the global level. Jason is groomed under the UTM 5ETP Leadership programme.

It is also commendable that Jason was specifically invited to participate in the entrepreneurship workshop comprising of participants from 18 nationalities.

In 2015, the ISFiT theme was ‘corruption’. ISFiT 2015 rests on the definition of corruption as the abuse of power in entrusted positions for private gains. By also focusing on issues related to corruption, ISFiT aims for a solution-oriented approach to the challenge corruption presents.
Fighting corruption requires challenging the attitudes of people, which sustain global levels of corruption. It also involves a willingness to find common solutions to a common problem.

ISFiT is a unique arena where students from all over the world gather for a constructive dialogue that aims to bridge ideological, religious, and national divides. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow.

There was a special session called the ISFiT parliament where participants debated and voted on three final resolutions on corruption to be submitted to the United Nations.

ISFiT 2015 gave a rare opportunity for a UTM student to exchange ideas, particularly on the issue of corruption and entrepreneurship. “This great international experience have challenged and changed me to another level,” Jason said. “It has inspired me to dream more and achieve more.  ISFiT 2015 is a life-changing experience as it motivates me to achieve what I believe,” Jason further added.

Jason also had the privilege to meet the Dalai Lama in ISFiT 2015, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner.


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