Ts. Dr. Dayana Farzeeha Ali
A Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s spin-off company, DF & K Group Sdn Bhd, which is a company that focuses on the therapy services and therapy equipment for the special needs community, organized a Uniting for Blue Event in collaboration with Mydin Mutiara Rini on 10th April 2021 at Mydin Mutiara Rini. This event was held in conjunction with World Autism Month, especially to celebrate and raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder while increasing people’s understanding and acceptance towards people with Autism. The program received a very good response with the participation of about 200 families.
There were various activities prepared during the program, such as Pocket Talk sessions by practising occupational therapists, which focused on raising awareness and knowledge on Autism to the community and tips for parents with Autistic children. There were also free screening sessions for parents to consult regarding their child developmental progress with occupational therapists. Other than that, there were also fun and interactive activities such as Autism Kids Challenge, which allowed children to do activities that focused on their sensory, fine and gross motor skills, and speed and strength. Apart from actions and sharing sessions, countless prize giveaways were also prepared by the organizer as the event’s objective was to celebrate World Autism Month. Spin and Win sections allowed parents to bring their children to participate in the program and win various exciting prizes. Another special event was a mystery prize giveaway for people who wore blue attire during the program, which attracted the mall visitors to join the event on that day. Lastly, there were various giveaways for every activity they participated, such as medals, certificate and gift vouchers prepared for both parents and children participating in the program.
The Chief Executive Officer of DF & K Group Sdn Bhd, Ts. Dr Dayana Farzeeha Ali said, “This event is a way for us to contribute to the special needs community in raising awareness and bring together people to help them understand more about Autism Spectrum Disorder while helping to contribute to a kinder world to this community.”
World Autism Month is celebrated every April to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with Autism. It is hoped that with this event, the people in the Autism community can be accepted and supported by all community, thus helping them to have a better life.