JOHOR BAHRU, 16 Jan. – Motivational online program for teachers and parents in facing challenges in PdPR has gained 50,000 viewers with 5,000 comments and shared 1,100 times. It was organised by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) with the collaboration from Johor State Education Department (JPNJ).
In the context of education, the program was filled with the discussion on how the consensus between schools, parents and students can determine the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning At Home (PdPR) virtual process more effectively.
The discussion program, Program Bicara Guru Siri 1/2021, Cabaran Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR): Permuafakatan Sekolah dan Ibu Bapa dalam Mendepani Cabaran Norma Baharu was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasized soft skills that can be applied such as aspects of conflict management and the functions of effective communication.
The program was held on January 16 and was officiated by the Director of JPNJ, Tuan Haji Shaharuddin Saari.
The Director of the Centre for Academic and Learning Experience (CAEL) UTM, Prof. Dr. Intan Zaurah Mat Darus said this program was an initiative to cater to the needs of teachers who may be experiencing stress in managing online learning.
According to her, the program was organized for Caring Society General Course students that required students to apply Service Learning, which is to provide them with progressive learning experience and fulfill community’s needs.
“It is in line with Ministry of Higher Education’s initiative to combine learning objectives with community service with the approach of “High-Impact Educational Practices” or HIEPs.
The program is aimed at solving the problems of the target community related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Good Health and Wellbeing related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is hoped that this program can provide opportunities, especially for teachers in facing the challenge of educating at this time with a shared commitment and the role of parents to guide students to continue to be enthusiastic to continue learning,” she said.
The Teacher Talk Session also featured experienced moderators, namely Cikgu Noorjahan Sultan who was the Finalist of the 50 Global Teacher Awards 2016 and the Malaysian Teacher Icon 2016.
Also present at the forum were two invited panels, namely Norhailmi Abdul Mutalib who is the Top 50 Finalist for the Prestigious Teacher Award and recipient of Global Teacher Prize 2020 and Azizurahman Samian, Chief Assistant Secretary of the Psychology and Counselling Division of the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) who is also a Celebrity Counsellor.
The program was broadcast live on JPNJ’s official Facebook page and garnered more than 50 thousand views in addition to getting more than five thousand comments and 1100 shares.
One of the program participants, Shazrizuliana Salimon from Sekolah Kebangsaan Lukut, Port Dickson said that she was very excited to have the opportunity to participate in this program.
“The title was narrated in a very interesting way and many benefits was obtained from this programme can be applied, for instance the open-minded attitude of parents and teachers can potentially solve the problem in overcoming the challenges of PdPR.
Teachers and parents must have mutual understanding during this trying times,” she added.

The programme of ‘Program Bicara Guru Siri 1/2021’ was officially launched by JPNJ Director, Hj Shaharuddin Saari