JOHOR BAHRU, 24 April 2018 – The Bioprocess Engineering Student Society (BIOSS) of the Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering (FCEE) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) had organized the 2018 BIOSS Entrepreneurial Food Carnival.
The carnival was held in order to fulfill the requirement of the elective subject of Entrepreneurial (UHAS 3012) which is required to be taken by all UTM final year students.
Program Director, Zulhilmi Ahmad Samsudin said that besides following the UTM academic regulation, this project was also organized to instill the entrepreneurial spirits among university future graduates.
“For this activity, 36 final year students of Bioprocess Engineering were divided into seven groups. One group was in charge of organizing the event while another six were required to set up stalls selling the food.
“Among the items sold were sweet corn, spicy fried chicken sausage and other light food and soft drinks,” said Zulhilmi.
Zulhilmi mentioned that upon completion of the sale, each group was required to conduct a presentation detailing of each sale and profit obtained to the appraisal panel for the distribution of marks.
Commenting on the subjects introduced by UTM to his students, Zuhilmi personally supported the matter.
“The introduction to this subject is good for future graduates to create their own jobs through business.
“In addition to instilling entrepreneurial traits among graduates, this subject contributes in harnessing the soft skills of the graduates such as speaking skills, creative thinking as well as managing skills of an organization,” he continued.