JOHOR BAHRU, 10 April 2018 – 24 delegates from the Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) were visiting the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for a 2-week workshop on the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Student-Centered Learning (SCL).
The programme which began on 1 April 2018 was held at the Raja Zarith Sofiah Library (PRZS) while Blended Learning Workshop at Faculty of Education was organized by the Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) UTM.
Director of CEEUTM, Prof. Dr Khairiyah Mohd. Yusof said that the delegates which consist of the academic staff of Afghanistan’s universities accompanied by the MoHE of Afghanistan officers were following the OBE and SCL training.
“They were facilitated by the trainers who have undergone a series of training workshops on OBE and SCL and certified by CEE. At the end of the workshop, each of them will be assessed on their understanding and performance to qualify them to become either Trainer, Master Trainer or Champion that will also qualify them to train others in their country,” said Prof. Khairiyah.
The Afghanistan delegates that followed this course are the first batch of delegates that were trained by UTM this year and the third batch since 2016. The OBE and SCL workshops aim to provide exposure to academic staff of MOHE Afghanistan in various engineering areas particularly the Engineering Education.
“It is a part of the training programme drafted by the Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education in planning a strategy in implementing OBE and SCL at their public universities as stated in their Five-year education development plan funded by the World Bank,” said Prof. Khairiyah.
This workshop is hoped to establish closer ties between MOHE of Afghanistan and UTM besides highlighting the university’s expertise to international organizations, particularly the World Bank.

The Afghanistan participants for Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan doing a group assignment given to them at PRZS