Viva Success: Riyad Hassouneh, Faculty of Computing

Congratulations to Riyad Hassouneh Ali-Rousan who have passed his PhD viva with minor corrections on 25 May 2017. His thesis was on “Stylized Lines and Shading Effects for Shape Depiction in Non-Photorealistic Rendering” supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Shahrizal Sunar (see his video presentation).

The external examiner was Professor Dr. Rahmita Wirza O.K Rahmat (Universiti Putra Malaysia), and the internal examiners was Associate Professor Dr. Nor Azman Ismail. The viva session was chaired by Professor Dr. Mat Uzir Wahit and recorded by Dr. Norhaida Suaib.

Find out more about the Faculty of Computing at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).


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