In a recent event, a formal meeting was conducted between UTM Language Academy and TEPSCO (Tokyo Electrical Power Services Co. Ltd) representatives to share knowledge and experience pertaining to the work ethics and job prospect for fresh graduates. TEPSCO is one of the mother companies based in Japan which has been portraying keen interest in recruiting UTM graduates.


This need for meeting is clearly something more positive than just a legacy from the typical employee hunting as there was also a sharing session open to all students who are interested in landing a job at a big prominent company like TEPSCO. Also present there to greet this vision was our very own UTM ex-graduate, Mah Che Ken. He had completed his Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) at Language Academy and has been joining TEPSCO shortly after graduating from UTM. JLPT is conducted throughout the world twice a year adopting five levels of grading with N5 being the lowest beginners level and N1 the highest advanced level. Japanese employers use the grading as a measurement to gauge the Japanese language proficiency of their employees. Level N3, on the other hand is sufficient for work and communicating purposes.

UTM Japanese Language Courses (level 1 to 3) are specially designed to give students a strong foundation of Japanese Language and at the same time equip students with the knowledge needed for JLPT N5. Many students after completing level 2 can sit and pass N5. Then, students may take extra classes on N4 and N3. Many UTM students have successfully been recruited by Japanese firms in Malaysia and 18 students now are employed by other mother companies in Japan. TEPSCO will also be holding a walk-in interview this coming 19th April at UTM Career Carnival 2017.

The short-listed candidates will be brought to Tokyo for the second stage interview and all expanses will also be covered by TEPSCO. So, what are you guys waiting for? Come join us at UTM Career Carnival.


  • Source : Language Academy

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