JOHOR BAHRU, 22 October 2016 – Fluency in English is an important asset that every graduate must possess to enable these future workers to be more prominent in the working world.
In the era of globalization, graduates will not only be judged by their academic results obtained but the skills to communicate and write in good English are also taken into account.
Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Her Royal Highness (HRH) Raja Zarith Sofia Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah in her speech at UTM 57th Convocation ceremony said that many Malaysians abroad have successfully gained success and recognition at the international level as well as successfully mastering this global lingua franca language.
Raja Zarith also recommended all academic and administrative staff to master the skills to communicate in English so that all dealings can be run smoothly.
“I am also pleased with the feedback and positive impact on the establishment of the Chancellor of UTM English Club,” she said.
HRH Chancellor also reminded the graduates to continue carrying out the mandate and responsibility for the success of each mission and Vision 2020.
The 57th Convocation ceremony also witnessed a total of 5,467 graduates receiving their scrolls. Of these, 362 received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 873 (Masters), 2,533 (Bachelor), 733 (Diploma) and 966 (Cooperation Programme Bachelor and Diploma).
Of the total, 349 people were international graduates from 35 countries. Up to the 57th convocation, a total of 180,425 people with 7,151 graduates were international graduates from over 70 countries.
A total of 25 graduates of the State Administrative Office under the sponsorship of the State Secretary Johor (SUKJ) also received their Master’s Degrees in Land Administration and Development of the Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate. This group was the first cohort to complete their studies as they began the course in February 2014 and finished in March 2016.
At the same event, Tan Sri Dato ‘Dr. Lin See Yan was appointed as Pro-Chancellor to replace Dato ‘Dr. Muhammad Ridzuan Hj. Salleh who has completed his term.
In addition, the title of Professor Emeritus was also awarded to Prof. Dr. Ismail Kailani to honour his services and high-impact academic contributions to the university.
Both of these figures received their appointment certificates from HRH Chancellor, Raja Zarith Sofia Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah.