UTM-IR (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository) has been ranked 282nd place from a total list of 2693 repositories by the Webometrics Ranking Web of World Repositories according to the July 2016 World Rank listing. This places UTM-IR in 3rd place in the Malaysia Country Rank listing.
The Webometrics Ranking Web of World Repositories is published twice a year. Data are collected within the first week of January and July and are released to the public by the end of the month. The objective of the ranking is to promote Open Access Initiatives supporting the use of repositories for scientific evaluation purposes.

Calculations for the ranking have been subjected to a few changes compared to the previous calculation methodology as follows:
- Size: Total number of web pages by Google, excluding rich files. Weight: 10%
- Visibility. Obtained from combining the square root of the external in links and the number of their referred web domains according to the two major providers of link data: Majestic SEO and ahrefs. Weight: 25%
- Increased the sources of mentions that are now included in the Visibility indicator. Weight: 25%
- Rich files: Total number of PDF files from Google. Weight: 10%
- Scholar: Total number of items obtained from Google Scholar. Weight: 30%.
We will strive toward excellence by building our working principles into everything we deliver, and into how we work as an organization. We also hope that the ranking could be further improved with collective commitment from the UTM community.