JOHOR BAHRU, 20 May 2015 – A delegation from the Czech Republic, led by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Malaysia, His Excellency Rudolf Hykal, recently visited UTM, with the aim of boosting educational, research and development ties between the Czech Republic and Malaysia.
The delegation was made up of distinguished leaders comprising Rectors, Vice-Rectors and Directors from seven outstanding Czech Universities. The delegation members were Prof Jose HYNEK (Rector, University of Hradec Kralove), Prof Miroslav LUDWIG (Rector, University of Pardubice), Prof Petr STEPANEK (Rector, Brno University of Technology), Prof Petr NOSKIEVIC (Vice-Rector for Study Affairs, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava), Prof Jan SKRHA (Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Mobility, Charles University, Prague), Prof Jitka ULRICHOVA (Vice-Rector for Science and Research, Palacky University, Olomouc) and Assoc Prof Petr TUMA (Director of the Institute for Nanomaterials Advanced Technology and Innovation).
The delegation was warmly welcomed by UTM Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Prof Dr Ahmad Fauzi, UTM International Senior Director, Deans of Faculties and Research Alliances, Senior Directors for Centers of Excellence, Senior Officials of UTM, and postgraduate students.
The purpose of the visit was to inform the UTM community, particularly students and academic staff, regarding studies and research collaboration opportunities in the Czech Republic. Each Czech University representative gave a 10-minute presentation, highlighting their respective university’s background and potential areas for education and research collaboration. Among potential areas of collaboration proposed were student and staff exchange, joint conferences, joint publication and joint supervision.
His Excellency Rudolf Hykal indicated that the embassy is very much in support of the collaboration and will provide assistance in supporting productive partnerships between UTM and Czech Universities. His Excellency Rudolf Hykal also announced Mr David Jarkulisch, Deputy Head of Mission for the Embassy of the Czech Republic, as the contact person for future collaboration. The delegation visit ended with a campus tour of UTM.