Good day to all you awesome people!
Let’s join the first event for SPE UTM Charity Month 2015-Fluorescent Night Run!

“Fluorescent Night Run” is a new approach whereby you guys should DEFINITELY participate in. The clock is ticking and you should quickly register yourself to this MOST ANTICIPATED event of the year. The fees covers the cost for t-shirt, glow sticks and certificates. Medals will be given to the top 20 for both men and women categories.

Track distance: 5.5 km
The due date for registration is on the 10th of April 2015.

You can either contact or WhatsApp the following people for registration:
1. Khabi 010 2604533
2. Ting 017 7896361

So what are you waiting for? Register now!! Pssst….the brand new running event that will definitely set a trend out here. Do you want to be a trend setter? Then, don’t hesitate anymore. Join us and hashtag
‪#‎FluorescentNightRun‬ ‪#‎FNR4Charity‬

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