JOHOR BAHRU, 20 January 2015 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has taken pro-active steps in introducing three new innovations in post-flood home building innovation, which consists of the Fast-Track Wall (FTW) System, Rapid Building – In – Box System (RaBIB) and Flood Proof House.
In a press conference held at the Hydraulics Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Research Alliance Dean for Construction, Prof. Dr. Muhd Zaimi Abdul Majid said the FTW system is a prefabricated housing construction technique which uses a mould in reducing labour costs.
“This system functions by using a mould made from plastic and steel which is able to reduce the construction costs up to 50 per cent.”
“In addition to the cost factor, moulds used are also durable and reusable for more than 30 times. The mould is also lightweight and can be carried by humans,” he said.
UTM also exhibited a two storey container house at the cost of RM20, 000.00 developed by Senior Lecturer Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dr. Tan Cher Siang assisted by Dr Lim Yaik Wah, from the Faculty of Build Environment, .
“This house was built using a used container on the ground floor and lighter materials such as iron and wood on the first floor. Measuring 203 feet and equipped with two bedrooms and one bathroom, it is an ideal home for small families. It takes only two weeks to complete, “he said.
As a holistic solution in addressing the issue of homes damaged by floods, UTM has also come up with the concept of a floating house, known as the ‘Amphibian House’ developed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Ibrahim Mohamad.
Prof. Mohamad Ibrahim said ‘pontoon’ concrete are installed at the bottom of the house to make it float vertically when the water level rises, while the lateral support system is equipped with a mast around the house to enable it to float steadily.
“With this concept, the house will not be damaged when flood occurs. However please note that this method can only be used if we build a new house and it takes up to three months to complete.
“The cost of construction is RM20, 000.00, excluding labour cost,” he said.