JOHOR BAHRU, 17 November 2014 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) successfully retained its Tier 5 (Excellent) ranking, through the Malaysian Higher Education Institutions Rating System SETARA’13 exercise for the year of 2013.

Director of Quality and Risk Management Unit (QRiM), Prof. Dr. Abdul Samad Hj.Ismail said the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) on 17 November notified him of UTM’s achievement.

“This success is meaningful to the entire UTM community who have always demonstrated a commitment to strengthening the university.”

SETARA’13 evaluated 53 higher learning institutions (IPTs) in Malaysia. It serves as a measuring tool to assess the quality of teaching and learning, using the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes.

Forty-two IPTs achieved Tier 5 (Excellent) and 11 obtained Tier 4 (Very Good). None achieved Tier 6 (Distinction).

UTM Management urges the entire UTM community to strive harder and aspire to achieve Tier 6 in the next SETARA ranking exercise.

Congratulations to everyone!

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