UTM has been officially awarded the Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS) 3rd Gold Star rating under the ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (AEMAS) on 1st October, 2014. This is the first ever 3rd Gold Star recognition awarded to any organisation in ASEAN that include companies, government institutions, universities and other public and commercial entities.
UTM’s Sustainable Energy Management Program achievement
The decision has been made after a rigorous energy management system audit conducted in UTM on the 28-29 January, 2014 by the AEMAS audit team. The audit findings certified that the UTM-Energy Management System has been continuously implemented, and more importantly, energy savings have been sustained through the establishment of energy policy, integration of energy management into the organisation’s structure and practice, research and development into creative and innovative energy management solutions, widespread technology dissemination and ultimately implementation of a wide range of energy improvement measures in order to sustain energy efficiency practices and hence, cost savings.
Energy Efficiency Index performance from 2009 to 2014
Year |
Yearly consumption (kWh) |
Air-conditioned Area (m2) |
Energy Efficiency Index (kWh/m2) |
% reduced from 2009 |
Avoided cost in RM |
2009 |
58,810,357 |
469,582 |
125 |
2010 |
56,602,469 |
471,674 |
120 |
4.2% |
2011 |
54,265,005 |
479,283 |
113 |
9.6% |
1,012,824 |
2012 |
56,404,905 |
511,182 |
110 |
11.9% |
2,656,591 |
2013 |
57,241,821 |
536,013 |
107 |
14.7% |
2,447,640 |
2014 |
57,274,964 |
541,964 |
106 |
15.6% |
3,437,161 |
By embracing the culture of conservation, creativity and innovation and with the strong support from the top management, UTM has managed to achieve more than 10 % reduction in its energy efficiency index for the past three years 2012 to 2014 in comparison to the baseline year of 2009. The avoided cost that UTM enjoy as of end 2014 on this sustainable energy management program is RM 9,554,217.
In 2014, UTM is committed towards intensifying their efforts seek creative and innovative solutions for energy savings. UTM distributed RM100,000 incentives to the units that have managed to save energy. UTM also re-invest RM350,000 of the cost savings for more energy saving projects around campus to ensure that the energy management initiatives can be sustained. Two pilot projects which are “The Solar PV Electrical Vehicle Charging Station at FKE” and “Smart Lightings with motion sensor at Kolej Datin Seri Endon corridoor” which cost RM150,920.00 and RM7,440 respectively was also commissioned in 2014. UTM as an entrepreneurial Research University, will spare no effort in generating innovative products and services, preaching the best practices, and relentlessly practicing what it preaches!
The EMGS 1-Star rating is awarded to companies that have implemented the energy management system, upon an audit by AEMAS auditors. Such companies have an energy manager, a company-wide energy management committee, and have implemented the entire energy management system. The Two Stars is awarded to companies that have shown improvement in their energy efficiency index resulting from implementation of energy conservation measures. The Three Stars goes to companies that have achieved and maintained their energy efficiency improvement for at least three years.