JOHOR BAHRU, 14 December 2014 – More than 90 industrial representatives, attended a one-day Technology Transfer Showcase & Forum 2014 held at the Institute of Bio-Product Development (IBD), Johor Bahru campus.
This programme was a collaboration between IBD and UTM Innovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC) with the objective to match the best and most suitable business partners in marketing UTM products.
The ICCUTM Innovation Manager, Zarina Mohd Yassin said that several activities were implemented which aims to give adequate explanation on products and expertise available in UTM.
“We started with a briefing session. This was then followed by a forum with the industrial representatives given an explanation about products to be commercialized. The explanation was in fact given by the respective product inventor. which allows the industrialists to ask pertinent questions in relation to the products.”
“Besides forum and briefing sessions, the organizer of this programme also took the initiative to provide access to discussion rooms which may be used to discuss business opportunities between the industry, entrepreneur and the university itself,” she said.
Among the positive output obtained from the programme was representatives from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce placing an order on Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah from IBD.
“This programme has been successful in attracting outside communities and industries in conducting business with UTM. It has also managed to highlight the expertise available in UTM, which could attract more future commercialization activities,” said Zarina.