Januari 29, 2025

All UTM staff are welcome to submit any type of news, hard or soft.

Hard news is the up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately, a kind of fast-paced news that usually appears on the front page of newspapers. Stories that fall under the umbrella of hard news often deal with topics like business, politics, international news, war, economics, and crime – serious in nature.

On the flip side, the arts, entertainment and lifestyle stories like gotong royong, potluck, and team bonding are considered to be soft news in nature.
Any types of news reported must include information that answers the following questions:
1. What happened?
2. Who was involved?
3. Where and when did it happen?
4. Why did it happen?
The benefits of submitting articles in UTM Newshub:
(1) you are able to claim marks for “other publication” in your elppt;
(2) faculty becomes more visible as the UTM Newshub is listed in Google news
(3) faculty will achieve targets under KFA6 – branding initiative
(4) you are able to fulfill one of the criteria to win Branding Award at Citra Karisma

…but most importantly, it contributes to promoting UTM brand. It shows your commitment and responsibility in helping to strengthen UTM Brand.
Support UTM Brand.

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