Guidelines on news submission to UTM Newshub (English & BM news)
News is defined as newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent events; or a report of recent events; or previously unknown information
There are two types of news: hard news and soft news
Hard news vs soft news
Hard new generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately. It is a kind of fast-paced news that usually appears on the front page of newspapers. Stories that fall under the umbrella of hard news often deal with topics like business, politics, international news, war, economics, and crime – serious in nature. E.g. subject matter of the faculty.
Soft news is background information or human-interest stories. E.g. features and news that is considered background information or human-interest are thought of as soft news. The arts, entertainment and lifestyle stories like gotong royong, potluck, and team bonding are considered to be soft news in nature
Any types of news reported must include information that answers the following questions:
- What happened? What was it all about?
- Who was involved?
- Where and when did it happen?
- Why did it happen?
The questions should guide your story and it has to be in at least 150 words (1 paragraph minimum consisting of a few sentences).
To get people to be interested to read your news, please start the story by highlighting why does the story matter. This can be done by highlighting the value of the news to the readers, or the impact of the news to the university.
Pictures are encouraged if the pictures add value to the story but too many pictures will ruin the story. Thus, please limit the number of pictures to a maximum of 5.
Please fill in a short description in the Excerpt box to summarize your article/news. You can include keywords here.
If you want to publish the news, it must have the basic criteria of answering these questions: Who, what, when, where, why and how. It then follows with a short description of the event. Thus, the minimum requirement is at least one paragraph of 150 words with the above information.
#Submission which does not fulfil the criteria will be rejected
Format of news
- Headline (not more than 15 words), keep it simple and direct, use active verbs, do not use all capital letters, only capitalize the first letter of every word.
- Dateline – the place and date of writing
- Story
- Picture
UTM Experts Win Big at International Research Expo
Geneva, April 1, 2019: A team of UTM experts from the Faculty of Engineering won big last night at the Geneva Convention Centre, on the last day of the International Research Expo 2019. They managed to clinch major titles in most of the categories….
The awards were presented by the President of the…
This research expo is a biennial affair participated by more than 200 higher learning institutions and research institutes around the globe. It showcases research innovations and inventions …
UTM participation in this event started ten years ago when the university sent nine research inventions and we won two medals in our first attempt.
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