JOHOR BAHRU, 20 September – The Institute of Environment and Water Resource Management of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (IPASA) in collaboration with Rotary International Club, The Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Malaysia Medical Association (MMA) have successfully organized The 2nd International Conference on Dengue and Its Control.
Carrying the theme ‘Fight the Bite’, the conference was held at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Johor Bahru campus for two days beginning 20 September 2014 and was officially launched by Chief Minister of Johor, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.
Several speakers from various backgrounds from Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and even Egypt were invited by the organizer to share their knowledge and understanding of the dengue problem with the intention of helping the Malaysian government to combat this disease.
The Chief Minister in his speech noted that 56,810 dengue cases were reported with 110 deaths from January to August 2014 throughout Malaysia.
“As for the State of Johor itself, as many as 3,236 cases were reported with 16 deaths. This figure requires us to view the threat of this disease very seriously and take all the steps to decrease it.
“Thus, UTM’s proactive step in organizing a conference such as this should be seen as a means of sharing the expertise and professional methods in handling the dengue cases,” he said.
He added that the Johor State Government has also taken several measures needed to reduce this mosquito-borne disease.
“A total of 10,000 suspected areas across the state have been directed to be examined closely, supported by 800 ‘gotong-royong’ activities to be performed in the state of Johor.
“Johor Government has also agreed to introduce the Key Performance Index (KPI) for each Local Authority (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan) or PBT in all districts of the state in terms of the prevention of the spread of dengue in their respective responsibility areas,” he said.UTM also showcased its products on dengue prevention which were exhibited at the booths set up to support this campaign.Among the products was Practical Mosquito Trap to control Mosquito Borne Disease and Tryspin Modulating Oostatic Factor (TMOF), a human made protein that is capable to kill mosquito larvae.
The conference aims to create platforms for researchers and technocrats to share their expertise in managing dengue fever and application of the latest technology to control it.
The first conference was held in University of Phayao, Thailand in 17 to 18 of January 2013. It will then be an annual event between participating universities and Rotary International.
Also attenting the opening ceremony were UTM Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar, Deputy Director of IPASAUTM, Prof. Dr. Mohd. Razman Salim, Rotary Past Johor Bahru District Governor, Ir. John Cheah Kam Loong and IEM President, Dato’ Ir. Lim Chow Hock.