Oktober 18, 2024

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JOHOR BAHRU, Sept 18 — Researchers from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have received two of the five research grants awarded by the Johor National Parks Corporation (PTNJ). The PTNJ Research Grant, totalling RM50,000, aims to support innovative research in biodiversity conservation, community development, and sustainable management of Johor’s national parks.

Dr. Teh Zaharah Yaacob and Dr. Yogeeswari Subramaniam from UTM’s Faculty of Management are the grant recipients, each receiving RM10,000 for their respective projects. Dr. Teh Zaharah will lead the project titled “Kajian Impak Infrastruktur Terhadap Kesejahteraan Ekonomi dan Sosial di Taman Negara Johor: Analisis dan Potensi Penambaikan.” This project will assess the impact of infrastructure on the economic and social well-being of local communities and identify areas for improvement within Johor National Parks.


Dr. Teh Zaharah’s PTNJ research grant of RM10,000 for her project on analyzing the impact of infrastructure on the economic and social well-being of Johor National Parks

Meanwhile, Dr. Yogeeswari Subramaniam will spearhead the project titled “Model Etno-Ekopelancongan di Taman Negara Tanjung Piai: Peningkatan Ekonomi Komuniti dan Pemuliharaan Biodiversiti”, developing an ethno-ecotourism model to enhance local community economies and support biodiversity conservation at Tanjung Piai National Park.

Dr. Yogeeswari has been awarded the PTNJ research grant of RM10,000 for her project on creating an ethno-ecotourism model at Tanjung Piai, aimed at boosting local economies and preserving biodiversity

The PTNJ Research Grant aims to support research that promotes biodiversity conservation, sustainable resource management, and ethical ecotourism in Johor’s national parks. UTM’s ability to secure these grants demonstrates its dedication to impactful, community-focused research. We are also thankful to the Faculty of Management for their ongoing support and encouragement in driving these successful research efforts.

Dr. Teh Zaharah and Dr. Yogeeswari have each secured RM10,000 research grants from PTNJ for projects focused on the impact of infrastructure on local communities in Johor National Parks and developing an ethno-ecotourism model to boost local economies and biodiversity conservation at Tanjung Piai, respectively

Three other researchers received grants. Dr. Aqilah Awg Abdul Rahman from Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM) will conduct research on butterfly-based tourism at Air Terjun Gunung Ledang, utilizing an interactive educational approach. Thi Bee Kin from the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) will focus on documenting the diversity of macro fungi at Taman Negara Endau-Rompin, while Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Nazip Suratman from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) will explore carbon absorption at Taman Negara Gunung Ledang, Johor.

Congratulations to all recipients, and we extend our thanks to Johor National Parks Corporation for supporting vital research contributing to the sustainability of Johor’s natural heritage.

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