UTM International continues to be the conduit for connecting Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to the world at the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2024, held in Perth recently. Reminiscing the great success of UTM as the lead host of APAIE 2019 in Kuala Lumpur attracting over 2,500 participants from 60 countries, this marks a resounding achievement of UTM as a global institution within the higher education sector in Malaysia.
At APAIE 2024, UTM contributed four high impact presentations highlighting important findings on various global collaborations and UTM alliances worldwide, cultural diplomacy in prospering global prominence of universities and the positive associations and benefits of mobility programs in supporting the development of UTM global citizens through multi-faceted academic approach.

The annual conference in Perth that gathers professional networkers aiming for multi-oriented internationalisation programs and activities, were connected through parallel sessions crafted to entering new potential collaborations and strengthening international education network with universities and higher education institutions from around the world.

Complementing UTM’s achievement at APAIE 2024 was the appointment of Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Ariffin Abu Hassan, Director of UTM International as APAIE Advisory Council Member representing Malaysia, alongside 11 universities from 7 countries, including the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore; Yonsei University (YSU), South Korea; The University of Auckland (UoA), New Zealand; Waseda University (Sōdai), Japan; Jilin University (JLU), China; and National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan. The appointment significantly recognised UTM global prowess through effective involvement and contribution of UTM International within the vicinity of APAIE and beyond.

UTM simultaneously inked three memorandum with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia; Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (VŠTE), Czech Republic; and Shizuoka University (Shizudai), Japan. The memorandum with Shizuoka University successfully celebrates the establishment of the Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD) UTM-Shizuoka University satellite laboratory which is located at UTM Johor Bahru

Forming part of the Malaysian delegation consisted of 14 universities coordinated by the Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) and led by the Chair of the Steering Committee of University Directors of International Offices, UTM participation at APAIE 2024 was also represented by Professor Dr. Nordin Yahaya (Chair of APAIE 2019), Associate Professor Dr. Norhayati Abdullah (Associate Director UTM International Kuala Lumpur), Professor Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md. Din (Director of UTM Campus Sustainability) and Mr. Ahmad Hilman Borhan (Manager International Relations). The pavilion Study in Malaysia subscribed to a brief global welcome themed as the Malaysian Hour, welcoming all participants to enjoy Malaysian delicacies with teh tarik while enjoying traditional dances, and traditional games of takraw, ceper and batu Seremban.

To contact UTM International, please visit https://www.utm.my/international/ or our official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/UTMInternational.
Prepared by:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati Abdullah
Ahmad Hilman Borhan
Norhaiza Daud