Januari 31, 2025

Aneesa Jamal is one of 30 educators The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) selected as part of the 2023 CEE-Change Fellowship cohort. CEE stands for Civics and Environmental Education. She is part of an international community of passionate educators working to build an equitable and sustainable future within the environmental education field through a joint civics and environmental education Community Action Project. Aneesa is a PhD student with the School of Education, FSSH, at UTM. She is developing a PBL-based book authoring program on climate change for middle and high school Indian students under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanitah Bte Mohd Yusof.

Aneesa’s work is built on cutting-edge research on Climate Change Education by enabling children to understand climate change better while fostering agency, empowerment and socio-emotional skills. She will partner with Indian-based Youth Conservation Action Network (YouCAN) to implement the module in schools across India. “CEE-Change is a game changer since it amplifies my work to a global level, gives me access to incredible people and resources and provides the solid backing to enable me to implement my research,” says Aneesa.

The Class of 2023 sets out to foster leadership within schools and the community, promote civic engagement and environmental responsibility, and ultimately build more resilient and healthy communities. Fellows receive networking and professional development opportunities, access to mini-grants to support their projects and leadership training.

This Fellowship is part of a national training initiative called ee360+, a partnership of U.S. EPA and NAAEE with more than 25 partners designed to strengthen the field of environmental education. A generous grant from the Cedar Tree Foundation also supports the Fellowship.

Learn more about Aneesa Jamal and the other 29 Fellows in this link: https://naaee.org/programs/cee-change-fellowship


About the CEE-Change Fellowship

The Civics and Environmental Education (CEE) Change Fellowship Program is NAAEE’s newest initiative to support leadership and innovation in civics and environmental education across the country. NAAEE recognizes the value in bringing together environmental and civic engagement educators to learn from each other and collaborate to scale up our impact as we work to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

The CEE-Change Fellowship is a part of the National Environmental Education Training Program established by the U.S. EPA’s Office of Environmental Education, a national professional development program that has been building the professional capacity of educators since 1992. The program also focuses on building leadership skills and providing high-quality resources for the field.

For more information on the CEE-Change Fellowship, visit https://naaee.org/programs/cee-change-fellowship

To learn more about NAAEE, visit https://naaee.org

To learn more about ee360+, visit: https://naaee.org/programs/ee360

To learn more about the Cedar Tree Foundation, visit: www.cedartreefound.org




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