YOGYAKARTA, July 11th – Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and UTM, several successful programs have involved both parties.
In July, two delegates from the Biomedical, Instrumentation, and Electronics research group (BMIE RG) represented UTM as panellists for Capstone Expo Teknik Elektro 2023 at UII, Indonesia.
The event was held on July 11, 2023, at Auditorium Prof. KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakkir, UII.
Capstone Design is a final-year project for UII students in which they must present their project outcomes at an expo, inviting participants from all sectors without any restrictions.
Students’ family members come to provide support. At the end of the expo, students will receive feedback and a report that states their results.
Delegates from both parties had further discussions to enhance their relationship and promote the university to the world’s awareness. Nonetheless, our delegates received a warm welcome and had a tour of the UII campus and Gunung Merapi.