On 9th May 2023, the School of Graduate Studies (SPS) with the Postgraduate Students Society (PGSS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), collaborated to organize Graduate Research Exhibition (GREx) 2023. There are three categories: Engineering, Science and Technology, and Social Science. The participants were required to submit their E-poster and undergo 5 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A session during the event day. There were a total 106 participants of postgraduate students in this competition. There are three medals: Gold, Silver, and Bronze, for each category that has been appointed by the juries. Not only that, there are also two best poster awards among the winners for each category.
It is indeed an honor and privilege to have professional judges from various professions. The judging sessions for the three categories, Engineering, Science and Technology, and Social Science and Humanities, were each led by a panel of esteemed faculty members. In the Engineering category, the panel comprised Dr. Mazura binti Jusoh from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Ts. Dr. Mohd Fitri bin Mohd Yakub from the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Dr. Nor Hasrul Akhmal bin Ngadiman from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Farhana binti Aziz from the Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering. The Science and Technology category was judged by Dr. Fong Wan Heng from the Faculty of Science, Dr. Zuhaili bin Mohamad Ramly from the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zaly Shah Muhammad Hussein from the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, and Dr. Nurshikin binti Mohamad Shukery from the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying. Finally, the Social Science and Humanities category was evaluated by Prof. Madya Dr. Nurbiha binti A. Shukor from UTMLead, Dr. Norasyikin binti Mohd Zaid from the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Dr. Diyana Zulaikha binti Abdul Ghani from the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, and Dr. Mohamad Fadhli bin Rashid from the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying.
The content and design of the E-posters submitted by presenters were evaluated based on their respective categories. Out of 106 presenters, 23 won gold medals, 71 won silver medals, and 12 won bronze medals in the GREx 2023 competition. As a result, there were six winners of the Best Poster Award. Congratulations to all the winners of GREx 2023!
GREx 2023 provided an excellent opportunity for postgraduate students to present their research creatively and innovatively through posters. It was also an opportunity for students to enhance their presentation skills to make research findings more accessible to audiences with varying levels of expertise. More information about GREx 2023 can be found at HOMEPAGE | RESEARCH CARNIVAL MONTH 2023 (utm.my) website.