The guest speaker series at the TIME– Technology & Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Bootcamp continued to empower students with its second topic, “Through the Eyes of Entrepreneur: Opportunities Don’t Just Happen, We Create Them!” This captivating session, held on 17 June 2023, shed light on the transformative power of entrepreneurial thinking and the ability to proactively shape opportunities.
Dr. Noorlizawati, the program organizer and lecturer for both the Creativity and Innovation Management course and the Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation course at Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI), emphasized the importance of embracing an entrepreneurial mindset in today’s dynamic world.
“Entrepreneurs are not just individuals who start businesses. They are individuals who see opportunities where others don’t and have the courage to act on them,” she explained.

The industry speaker, Ravikiran Annaswamy, an accomplished entrepreneur and visionary, shared his personal journey and insights on creating opportunities.
“Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to adapt, learn from failures, and persevere in the face of obstacles.”
He highlighted the mindset shifts necessary to identify and seize opportunities, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, resilience, and adaptability.
Participants were captivated by Ravikiran’s engaging talk, as he shared his own experiences of turning challenges into opportunities and building successful ventures. His words resonated with students, inspiring them to view obstacles as stepping stones towards success.

Shafeek Ahmad, an alumnus of UTM, found the session highly motivating.
“Ravikiran’s talk was a game-changer for me. It made me realize that success is not just about waiting for opportunities to come; it’s about taking initiative and creating opportunities ourselves. As a co-founder of IoT and robotics-based company, I feel empowered to think outside the box and pursue my entrepreneurial aspirations”
Khairi Anwar, a student from the Master in Engineering Business Management program, echoed Shafeek’s sentiments.
“This session has given me a fresh perspective on being bold enough to embrace change, whether it’s in our personal routines or in the direction of our companies. It’s all about staying adaptable and keeping ourselves alive in this ever-changing VUCA world”
Dr. Noorlizawati commended the speaker’s insights and the students’ engagement.
“Ravikiran’s talk was a reminder that we all have the potential to be entrepreneurs, whether in starting a business or within existing organizations. By embracing an entrepreneurial mindset, we can unlock limitless possibilities and drive positive change”
The guest speaker series at TIME Bootcamp continues to ignite a passion for entrepreneurship and innovation among participants. As the event progresses, more topics are set to inspire and equip participants with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape.