Januari 31, 2025

KSJ and PMI UTM Jointly Organize ‘Malam Bina Iman Dan Taqwa’ Event, Marking the Closing of ‘Barakah Ramadhan 2023’

Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa Kolej Siswa Jaya (JKM KSJ), with the collaboration of Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI), inaugurate the program, have jointly organized the ‘Malam Bina Iman Dan Taqwa’ event in conjunction with the ‘Barakah Ramadhan 2023’ program held throughout the month of Ramadhan. ‘Malam Bina Iman Dan Taqwa’ is the last and closing event for the ‘Barakah Ramadhan 2023’ program.

This event lasts one night from 8.30 pm on 14 April 2023 to 8 am on 15 April 2023. This event is also attended by KSJ principals, college fellows, and students who reside at KSJ. Also in attendance were special guests, Ustaz Bazli Zakaria, a graduate of Al-Azhar in Egypt and the founder of El-Bazzi Academy.

During the entire night of this event, students and guests will perform the tarawih prayer and hear a brief tazkirah from PMI UTM alumni. After listening to a brief tazkirah, the guests are given a moreh feast and will sleep all night at the KSJ surau and prepare for the second day. In the early morning of the second day, all the guests are invited to qiamulai and enjoy sahur together. At the event’s climax, a special guest will give a little ceramah subuh. The event was closed with a gift-giving session to special guests, PMI UTM alumni, and a photo session.

Prepared by: Irsyad Iskandar bin Mohd Faurizal

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