Februari 8, 2025

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia (EE, UII) organises a sharing session for their students. The webinar-sharing session is called the Studium Generale.

On 10 November 2022, Associate Prof. Ir. Dr Eileen Su Lee Ming was invited to be the speaker for the EE UII Studium Generale. The topic presented to the Electrical Engineering students was “How to Pitch Your Work?” The session was conducted for one and a half hours.

Event poster

Webinar session

Dr Eileen shared with the student her experiences pitching research work for competitions, grant applications and competitions. Several sample pitch decks were shown to the students, along with tips on managing their voice, intonation, and gaze. Students were also advised on structuring the slides’ content based on needs, approach, benefits, and competition, which would differ from a typical academic presentation.

The sharing session lasted one hour, followed by questions and answers from the UII students.  It is hoped that the students can benefit from the sharing and use their pitching skills in their future presentations.


This article was written by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr Eileen Su Lee Ming & Dr Nurul Ashikin Abdul-Kadir


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