On 13th October 2022, ErasmusDay@UTM 2022 was successfully held at Dewan Senat Ainuddin Wahid, Bangunan Canselori Sultan Ismail, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). In conjunction with the World Erasmus Day Celebration, celebrated in October every year, UTM International organized a sharing session with UTM staff who have previously participated in Erasmus+ Staff Mobility.
The Erasmus days is a celebrated sharing programme between ERASMUS+ partners. This year, it was celebrated globally for three dedicated days to learn about the Erasmus+ Programme and talk with the programme’s alumni. All UTM staff have been invited to join this valuable session to learn more about best practices and experiences obtained throughout the Erasmus program.
Six staff participated in the sharing sessions to share their travel experience to three different countries. The program began with an opening briefing by the Acting Director UTM International, Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin, followed by a sharing session by the Manager (International Relations) of Global Strategy and Engagement, Mr. Ahmad Hilman Borhan, and the Manager (Student Mobility) of Global Education and Experience, Dr. Ahmad Fadhil Yusof who travelled to Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Lithuania.
Mr. Hilman and Dr. Fadhil started their Erasmus programme at VGTU and also participated in the International Staff Week from 9th to 13th May 2022 together with Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin, Associate Director Global Strategy and Engagement and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ismid Md Said, former Pro-Vice Chancellor of UTM International.
Opening briefing by Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin and sharing session by Mr. Ahmad Hilman Borhan and Dr. Ahmad Fadhil Yusof
The second session was a sharing session by the Manager of UTM International Kuala Lumpur, Madam Su Zalpha Mohamed, and the Manager (Student Experience) of Global Education and Experience, Madam Norfaeza Ali, on their visit to Metropolia University of Applied Science, Finland. Madam Su Zalpha and Madam Norfaeza Ali started their Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program on 16th until 20th May 2022 at Metropolia University of Applied Science, Finland.
They have participated in various activities including city tour, campus visit, a discussion session about Mobility programme, and a sharing about the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the universities involved in this programme. It is a platform for them as participants from the participating countries to gain new partners, networking, benchmarking, and best practice sharing at each participating university.
Sharing session by Madam Su Zalpha Mohamed and Madam Norfaeza Ali
The last sharing session was presented by the Manager (Student Mobility) of Global Education and Experience, Ms. Zetty Raihan Hj Mohd Yassin, and the Senior Assistant Registrar (Human Resource Division) Department of Registrar, Madam Saidatul Akmal Abdul Hamid about their mobility program at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkiye.
They started their Erasmus program at METU on 30th May until 3rd June 2022. Three of them, including Senior Assistant Registrar (Management Unit) Department of Registrar, Madam Ili Ruwaida Md Yusof, attended The International Staff Week (ISW) programme for five days. Sixty physical participants also participated in ISW, representing more than ten countries, while nearly 200 participants from higher education institutions in China joined virtually via the Zoom platform.
This sharing session ended with the awaited session presented by Professor Dr. Nordin Yahya from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, who was invited to share his experience and journey in successfully securing the Erasmus+ CBHE grant recently. The program ends at noon with a group photo session.
Sharing session by Ms. Zetty Raihan Hj Mohd Yassin and Madam Saidatul Akmal Abdul Hamid and sharing on ERASMUS+ CBHE Grant by Professor Dr. Nordin Yahya
Group photo at the end of the session
Prepared by: Dr. Ain Naadia Mazlan, Nurul Izzati Mohd Twa & Nurul Asyikin Jafri,