SINAR (Inisiatif Jana Kemahiran Siswa Resak) is a KTDI Student College Committee (JKM Kolej Tun Dr Ismail) program that will be carried out throughout 2021 and 2022. SINAR’s last objective for one year has been achieved when they successfully conduct various community service learning to the nearby communities. The community service target is 325 students from Years 3 to 6 who are involved in student committees of the school which are the school prefects, librarians, peer guides (PRS – Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya), and class monitors. This program is a joint collaboration with Sekolah Kebangsaan Kangkar Pulai 2 (SKKP2) and MyLinE team UTM which were held for two days from 17 to 18 June 2022.

The objective of the Smart Leadership 2022 program held at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kangkar Pulai 2 is to provide exposure to the participants on the characteristics of good and responsible leaders. Additionally, participants and facilitators can also increase their motivation and confidence in reaching their full potential. Moreover, the program also hoped to develop the mindset necessary for a leader to be adaptable and independent, and to develop the identity of a citizen who seeks greatness.

The facilitators gathered at the bus stop located in M47 while waiting for the bus to arrive on 17 June 2022 and left for Sekolah Kebangsaan Kangkar Pulai 2 (SKKP2) at around 2.20 pm. Upon arrival, they proceeded to the registration desk to register as program facilitators and received gifts in the form of goodie bags and t-shirts specially designed for the facilitators. The teachers involved were in charge of participant registration and distribution of necessary items for the program to each facilitator. Then, the participants were asked to line up according to their respective groups. Next, the facilitators were grouped according to gender and were ushered to their respective rooms which were prepared prior to the start of the program and stored their belongings in the rooms before proceeding with the next event held at the open hall.
The program began with a Leadership Talk by the guest speaker, Dr Sufi. “Who are you? A Champion!”, is a tagline he often mentions to uplift the students who were listening to the talk. He also gave exposure to the seven characteristics of a leader. At the same time, the program commandant and his deputy, Shazmi and Atira, met with Cikgu Norafidah who was responsible for the Smart Leadership 2022 program. They discussed briefly the program and the duties of the facilitators. Later, the facilitators were asked to distribute the participants who happened to not have a group yet before bringing the Muslim participants to the school’s surau to perform Asar prayers. Right after the prayers, the participants were required to set up their own tents while the facilitators were given time to clean their rooms before helping the participants. All the participants including the facilitators had their dinner right after.

During LDK 1 (Latihan Dalam Kumpulan 1), the participants were grouped and each group was assigned with one facilitator where they would start getting to know each other and their facilitator. Right after the ice-breaking session, all groups were assigned to make a group name, logo and slogan before presenting it for other groups to see. Each group will also be given marks on the creativity of their slogan, group name and logo. Each LDK were briefed by the program commandant.

On the following day, all teachers, facilitators and participants went to the school field for aerobics exercises and then went for breakfast. Right after breakfast, the participants were asked to build a model using cellophane tape, scissors, a cardboard box and 2 mineral water bottles for LDK 2 named Team Building Adventure “Swot Warrior” after the “Sharing and Caring” session held by Shazmi and Amos who shared their experiences with hopes to help the participants realize the sacrifices and benefits of being a leader. Participants were also asked to write letters of appreciation to their parents right after the team-building session. During the letter-writing session, the participants were given the chance to give their feedback on the program as well as rate their facilitator. Finally, the closing ceremony ended with a speech from Pn. Masnita and the program commandant, Shazmi. Groups which managed to get the highest points for each session and the best participant were given gifts. The facilitators, SINAR and MyLine UTM were also given certificates of appreciation and souvenirs. In conclusion, we are very proud to be able to make this community program a success because we can learn a lot and help people in various forms to create a better future for all.