Prepared by: Dr. Farah Liana binti Mohd Redzuan
A novel biometric implementation of a hidden system to pattern password authentication for increasing password security was an innovative idea presented by Prof. Ondrej Krejcar during the first Global Eminence Initiative by Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), which was a Special Lecture on Mobile Positioning based on Wireless Networks on May 11th 2022.
Prof. Ondrej Krejcar from the University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Informatics and Management, Center for Basic and Applied Research flew all the way from Czech Republic to share his insights, experience and expertise regarding this topic.

This one-hour session was chaired by the Dean of MJIIT himself, Prof. Ts. Dr. Ali Selamat. More than 80 participants joined this session online which broadcasted live from the Japanese Language and Cultural Centre (JLCC) of MJIIT.
The Global Eminence Initiatives will be arranging more special lecture series in the future and bringing prominent academics around the globe to not only share their knowledge but also to build potential collaboration with MJIIT as a whole.
At the end of this session, Prof. Ondrej Krejcar emphasized the future of his work has tremendous potential to tap into the pulse of the city, thereby improving the quality of life for citizens.