Webinar Disiplin Anak Muda, or better known as WDAM’22 is a program organized by the Student Residential College Committee (JKM) for the 2021/2022 session. This program was held to deliver a message of hope and perseverance about disciplines, enhance the responsible and disciplined attitude of students in universities and colleges.
Besides, it is also a great chance to raise awareness of the institution’s regulations and laws amongst Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) students, particularly year 1 and year 2 students from the most recent admission session. WDAM’22 was digitally webcast utilizing Facebook Live as the primary media.
The program started at 9.45 p.m. on 21st April 2022 and a talk was given by Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail Principal, Lieutenant Colonel Professor Madya Dr. Mohd Noor Azli bin Hj. Ali Khan.

The program began with a prayer reciting by Muhammad Kasyfi bin Kamarul Hamidi to bless the ceremony. Then, the moderator invited the speaker for a sharing session.
A briefing on ‘Universities and Colleges Act 1971’ was elaborated in depth at the initial stage. The speaker also advised the students to download ‘Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Student Rule Book’ which have been informed during the Student Friendly Week at the beginning of the semester.
The speaker reminded us about various acts and regulations adopted by the college and UTM, such as the application procedure and the UTM College Rules and Discipline 1990/1991 (Amendment 2006).

The Principal of Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) also explained the organization chart of the college to the KTDI Student College Committee session 2021/2022 in general to provide information of who can be contacted if there are any problems in the college.
In addition, there were question and answer sessions during the program. Many participants asked questions to ease their curiosity. This session allowed them to unravel all the questions related to the title of the program.

Finally, the program ended with a photo session with the speaker. The participants were asked to scan the QR code or fill in the information in the Google Form link provided in the chat box.
It is hoped that this webinar provided a clear explanation to the students on the importance of Law and discipline. Rules and discipline, if followed, can describe the identity of a student. UTM residents also need to remind each other in order to maintain the well-being of themselves and others.