Associate Director of Global Education and Experience, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) International, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan, continued his visit agenda in Australia to the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Sydney (USyd).
ANU and USyd are ranked 27th and 38th best universities in the world, respectively in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2022.
At ANU, the Malaysian delegation led by the Malaysian High Commissioner in Australia, TYT Dato’ Roslan Abdul Rahman, was welcomed by Deputy Vice Chancellor (International Strategy), Prof. Sally Wheeler, Director of ANU Malaysia Institute, Dr. Ross Tapsell, and Senior Manager of International Partnership Development, Dr. Anthony Nelligan.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan affirmed the ability of Malaysian public universities to conduct research related to Malaysia and Asia and the collaboration to share research results for mutual benefits.
In response, Prof. Sally Wheeler expressed ANU’s keen interest to increase cooperation in research, especially in the field of Climate and Energy, as well as business.
They are also willing to explore the mobility programmes but cautions on the fact that it will require support from the faculty members.

Meanwhile at USyd, the delegation was greeted by the Director of the Office of Global Engagement, Ms. Amanda Sayan and Chairman of International Agreements, Mr. Tommy Gatling and Head, Student Mobility and Exchange, Ms. Fiona White.
In her speech, Ms. Amanda Sayan stated that University of Sydney has the largest student mobility program in Australia.
Thus, USyd is keen to collaborate with Malaysian universities as the borders for both countries are opening soon.
USyd provides supports for the students to undertake mobility programme under the New Colombo Plan Mobility Program, which allows undergraduate students to undertake semester-long or short-term (minimum 2 weeks) mobility programmes.

Concluding the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan stated that the student exchange program is very important in helping to increase cultural understanding and respect for each other.
Therefore, UTM is ready to cooperate in designing mobility programmes that meet the needs of academic programs offered by Usyd through collaborative partnership with other public universities under the purview of Consortium of Public Universities International Office lead by Universiti Malaya.